China: She Ping, a beekeeper who seems to love bees, to the point of inviting thousands, even tens of thousands, to cover his body.
She Ping, a beekeeper Chongqing in southern China, has set a new record by being covered by 468,000 insects weighing 45 kg in total. She Ping has beaten his previous record of 33.1 kg (331,000 bees) conducted in April 2012.
The man, aged 34, began shirtless in front of a crowd of spectators leaving the bees to land on his body, completely covering. Bees were attracted by queens against his body in small cages. The operation lasted more than 40 minutes.
The Guinness World Record for the heaviest mantle of bees is held by Indian Vipin Seth, who wore morethan 600,000 bees weighing a total of 61.4kg in 2011. Ping's coat of bees weighed 45kg.
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