The German company Festo has unveiled an innovative new embodiment, a cyber- kangaroo whose actions resemble closer to real animals .
Called " BionicKangaroo " marsupial robot has been developed to reproduce as faithfully as possible the movement of kangaroos can be found in Australia , alive those! But innovation comes mostly a system that allows to recover some of the kinetic energy generated when jumping for reuse on the next jump. With 60 centimeters tall and weighing 7 pounds, it is thus possible to perform high jumps 40 feet and cover a distance of 80 cm to each of his jumps.
To get there , it was equipped with two electric motors in the hip and one in the tail. It is a system of electronic tendons and pneumatic actuators which allows him to perform jumps to the natural look. The energy used at each hop is then partially recovered and reused in the next hop through a compression / decompression of elastic bands . This opens the way for robots that are able to generate some of the energy they need to work themselves.

Specializing in the development of cyber-animals, the company Festo is not his first attempt. Since 2006, she has already developed penguins, manta rays, dragonflies, jellyfish, barracudas, elephant trunks, and a bird that you can see the presentation below. However, do not expect to make the acquisition, these robots are developed only for the purpose of scientific research and are not intended for marketing.
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