Top 10 Most Heavily Guarded Locations from Around the World

By | 10:11 AM Leave a Comment

Some parts of the world benefit from a safety unconventional, often to protect the secrets they contain. Others are actually very difficult access places. To get to one of these ten mythical places you will need to either will be authorized. Anyway it is not a question of having access to these places easily.

1 - Fort Knox
This military camp built in Kentucky in the early twentieth century became a training center for pilots armored. Rumor has it that a strong cover 4570 tons of gold bullion.

2 - Cheyenne Mountain
This bunker near the city of Colorado Springs can withstand several nuclear explosions. To access them, simply go down 600 meters underground.

3 - Sealand
Platform located off the British Isles is currently for sale. It particularly interested the hackers site The Pirate Bay.

4 - Area 51
There is no need to introduce the area 51 which is located not far from the city of Las Vegas.Certainly one of the most secret places of the world. Some believe that there is experimenting on aliens.

5 - Air Force One
This is simply the most secure aircraft in the world since it carries the President of the United States most of his travels.

6 - ADX Florence Prison
Located in the state of Colorado, this men's prison is deemed to hold the most dangerous criminals.

7 - The 1960's Bar
This bar is actually a former British bunker dating from the Cold War. It is located 30m underground.

8 - Bold Lane
30 dollars an hour, it is possible to park in the most secure in the world public parking.

9 - The bunker Saddam Hussein
Like all bunkers, it can withstand nuclear attack. It housed Saddam Hussein when U.S. troops looking for him.

10 - Granite Mt Mormon Church Records Facility
Located in Utah, there is a huge database of genealogical data. The place is built into the mountain.


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