This past weekend a video was loaded into YouTube showing footage of a missile launcher being smuggled back into Russia. The content owner claims this is the BUK missile launcher that took down Malaysian flight MH17 last week that killed nearly 300 people.
The video shows the driver following a military truck on a main road near the border of Russia. Taken entirely on a dashboard camera and loaded in the internet, the video shows something horrifying, the launcher is missing 2 missiles.
The cargo is unescorted and Ukrainian sources have captioned the live footage as “A Russian filmed the BUK M1 in Russia, the one that shot the Boeing.”
The video is time-stamped 7-19-2014 at 8:45p.m.
Ukrainian intelligence services filmed a BUK missile launcher uncovered with its missiles missing, early Friday morning. The unit was heading for the Russian border. If this is the same unit, as some point it was loaded onto a military truck and covered.
A second military truck can be seen in the latter portion of the video. The odd part of the video is that a civilian vehicle got so close to it and even pulled alongside and passed it without issue.
One sure thing is that if this launcher is in fact the same one that shot down flight MH17 then no time soon should we expect to be given date from its use in the incident.
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