It Was Once A Royal Polish Palace, Now It Lies Abandoned And Forgotten

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This Mysterious & Abandoned Palace Was Once Home To Polish Royalty
In 1910, a beautiful palace was built as a home for Polish royalty. But only a few decades later, it was converted into an agricultural school after WWII. In the 1970's, the building that once housed Poland's ruling class became a center for handicapped adults, and then a home for children with "disturbing behavior" a decade later.

In 1997, the elaborate estate was shut down and abandoned, giving free rein to the wild plants and animals to do with it as they pleased. Photographer Lucas Malkiewicz has captured the decayed building in all it glory, from the crumbling foundation to the peeling paint. It's hard to believe that something so creepy can also be so beautiful at the same time.

It proved to be the final transformation for the building itself, having been shut down in 1997 and left to become overgrown with weeds, planets and neglect. Recently inquisitive photographer Lucas Malkiewicz stepped inside the ruins to photograph what had become of the building itself. What he found was a hybrid of the regal and elaborate, fused with the unkempt and broken. 

It's truly amazing what the passage of time can do to even the most regal and elaborate buildings.
Pictures Via Lucas Malkiewicz


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