An Inside Look at Russian Hospital Hell (40 pics)

By | 10:45 AM Leave a Comment

Medical expenses in Russia is 3.5% of GDP ($ 490 per person). In this respect Russia is about hundredths place in the company of African countries. For comparison, the U.S. spends on health care 17% of GDP ($ 8,500 per person), France 12.5% ​​($ 4,952), Serbia 12.0% ($ 622), Germany 11.7% ($ 4,875), Brazil 9.9% ($ 1,121), Sweden 9.6% ($ 5331), UK 9.4% ($ 3,609), Japan 8.5% ($ 3,958), Czech Republic 8.1% ($ 1,507), Israel 7.8% ($ 2,426), South Korea 7.2% ($ 1,616), Poland 7.1% ($ 899) Turkey 6.5% ($ 696), Mexico 6.4% ($ 620), Belarus - 3.5% ($ 233). And if the U.S. and other developed countries, medical expenses increase annually, while in Russia they are down: 2009 - 4.3% of GDP, 2010 - 3.7%, 2014 - 3.5%, 2015 - 3.4% 2016 - 3.3%.

Over the past four years, the budget for health in Russia decreased in absolute terms by 20 billion rubles, and with inflation at 100 billion, ie almost a quarter. A similar situation, by the way, and with the cost of education, culture, sport, utilities. According to the authoritative rating agency Bloomberg in 2012, Russia ranked 97th in the world in terms of health. On mortality (13 per thousand), Russia is on 130 place. In the bottom of the list and the Russian Federation on corruption and embezzlement, which is obviously also do not contribute to improve the quality of medicine.

As the above statistics illustrate, a selection of photos from the 2010-2014 Russian hospitals. Various cities - from Moscow to the suburbs. Petrodollars there does not seem to have reached. Somewhere far away - Sochi, Skolkovo, Serdyukov, luxury foreign cars for officials. Here - "African" poverty, dirt, decay, even in the pediatric wards of the net no mattresses.


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